Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aydans first Haircut!

Well....today Aydan got to be a Nascar driver! What a cool chair to get your hair cut in, huh? He went to Litte HairKuts. He sat in a race car chair and watched a video while Lebita cute his hair. He did a really good job. He didn't like the buzzer/clippers too much so she mostly used the scissors. I think he was happy to be done! And he looks so handsome!

White Christmas!

We enjoyed a white Christmas in Iowa with Grandma and Grandpa Frantz. Julie and her dad did some shoveling, and Josh and Julie had fun playing in the snow. Aydan had his first sledding adventure in the back yard. (Pictures of that to come, hopefully....if I can get them off of my new memory card!) Thank you everyone for all of your thoughtful gifts. We are so blessed. The best part of this Christmas was watching Aydan pull off the bows and play with the paper and his new toys. He had a very happy day!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Aydan 9 months!

Aydan is really beginning to show his personality this month! He smiles and laughs a lot! He enjoyed his first Thanksgiving dinner a few weeks ago and is looking forward to Christmas!
His latest skills are clapping, standing with support, pulling his socks and shoes off, scooting backwards on his tummy, scooting forward on his bottom, and making funny faces. Lots of fun! Happy Holidays everyone!