Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun Times!

We are enjoying the weekends here at the Clarkes! As you can see....Josh and Aydan have been busy cheering on the Wildcats! Aydan't cousin Sidney was here last weekend, and we had a blast together! Today, Aydan tried out a new hairstyle! (bottom picture).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We're back!

Hi Everyone! We are back in Texas again and got our internet working again. Sorry for the delay. We had a great roadtrip to Illinois, Michigan, and Kansas and had so much fun catching up with family and friends. Aydan did very well on the road! He is a great little traveler!

He has been busy bouncing in his Johnny Jumper (from Grandma and Grandpa Frantz) and has been expanding his food repitiore (now sure I spelled that right :) Anyway...so far he has tried cereal, peas, apples, and sweet potatoes. So far his favorites are cereal and sweet potatoes.

Today he is 6 months old! He celebrated by watching football with Daddy!